Saturday, February 9, 2008

10 loves


Watching my husband rock out to Guitar Hero.
2. Winning the game of Life with nearly 4 million dollars.
3. Being sick on the weekend so I don't have to miss too much work. (I'm trying to be optimistic here folks ... )
4. Having a husband who isn't repulsed by my sickness.
5. Having medical insurance so being sick doesn't cost an arm and a leg.
6. Dayquil and Nyquil.
7. Insurance that covers most the cost of prescriptions.
8. That it's Jason's week to teach primary.
9. Extra soft tissues.
10. That I haven't thrown up since yesterday.


Stacey Crewse said...

You poor thing Jessie, I hope you feel better soon!

d & e wilson said...

Awww, being sick stinks! I took a week off between jobs and of course I got sick half way through. Luckily it was just some congestion. And if it makes you feel better, at least you didn't throw up on the back of an airplane seat in front of people :D Get better!

Cheryl said...

I'm so sorry you were sick. I hope you are feeling better today! It is no fun being sick!

Cheryl said...

I'm so sorry you were sick. I hope you are feeling better today! It is no fun being sick!

Betsy said...

As far as being positive goes, that was an excellent effort. As far as your 10 loves goes, it was kind of sad.