Tuesday, August 24, 2010

On being a parent:

Tonight, after many failed attempts to get Norah to calm down and go to sleep, Jason and I decided to ignore the screaming and say family prayers with Norah. She hasn't quite grasped the concept of reverence (she's only 8 weeks ... she'll catch on eventually) and as Jason and I are kneeling on her bedroom floor while she screams in her crib, Jason thanks Heavenly Father for sending us such a sweet daughter who brings so much joy into our lives. The irony of the situation struck us both and laughter ensued. I guess it isn't just Norah who needs to work on reverence.


Annegirl said...

=) Love it.

Brianna Merrill said...

It's experiences like that that are the memorable ones! And Jason is right, even when they are screaming uncontrollably they are still sweet and still a blessing, at least they are at that age, I am not sure about when they do that when they are older! lol

Laus said...

I'm so glad you could laugh about it as it was happening! That's good parenting. Actually, the best kind of parenting! Except that at some point when they are misbehaving and you want to laugh, then maybe yes reverence, control, something else might be needed otherwise they get very confused and upset. Or so my 18 month old does.

The Kynastons said...

haha...we've had our fair share of moments like that, too. :) Norah is so adorable! I've been meaning to ask you - where do you get her cute flowers? I love the gray crocheted one and the turquoise one on the gray headband...and all of the others! Do you make them or have a place you like to buy them?

Karissa Kay said...

that's great that you can laugh about it! It's so hard to stay calm during situations like that!

Jessi said...

i so remember those days!! syd was like that every night until 12 weeks. ugh!