Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Make me over

It was inevitable, but I never thought it'd happen so soon. My darling daughter is 9 weeks and I already feel like the frumpy mom. On Sunday we were all complimenting my mom on how cute her sweater was and I mentioned that my mom is more stylish than I am. "Always have been," was her response. And while it's true, this statement has been haunting me ever since. When I get dressed, I don't feel cute. I look at my closet and dread getting ready because I pretty much hate everything I have. I would love to add a few new pieces to my wardrobe, but I have no idea where to start. As in, I have no idea what's even in style. Now I know this post is sounding so shallow and worldly, but I am writing it as a plea to those reading to help a sister out. Where can I find cute clothes that aren't going to drain my bank account?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

On being a parent:

Tonight, after many failed attempts to get Norah to calm down and go to sleep, Jason and I decided to ignore the screaming and say family prayers with Norah. She hasn't quite grasped the concept of reverence (she's only 8 weeks ... she'll catch on eventually) and as Jason and I are kneeling on her bedroom floor while she screams in her crib, Jason thanks Heavenly Father for sending us such a sweet daughter who brings so much joy into our lives. The irony of the situation struck us both and laughter ensued. I guess it isn't just Norah who needs to work on reverence.

Friday, August 13, 2010

More Norah

Photographing my daughter has given me a newfound respect for child photographers. Man, it is a lot of work!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Norah's newborn photos

So I took these a few days after Norah was born ... and now she's six weeks old. In those six weeks she's grown from a 6 1/2 pound 20 inch baby to a 9 pound 21 inch baby. This puts her in the 25 percentile for height and 25 percentile for weight.

Friday, August 6, 2010

My birthday

I'm a quarter century old. Yikes. For my birthday my mom took me shopping. I'm still getting used to (an not loving) this post-pregnancy body ... so let's just say the shopping trip wasn't super successful, but at least my baby was (mostly) good and slept in her stroller.

Then we went to dinner with my family at La Jolla Groves in Riverwoods, it was yummy!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Norah's first day at church

This past Sunday was Norah's first Sunday in our ward. We made sure she was dressed super cute in a dress from Grandma Vance. She did pretty well during the first meeting, but she didn't seem to care much for Gospel Doctrine or Relief Society. I told her not to worry, pretty soon she'll be able to go to fun classes like nursery where she can eat treats and play games.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pioneer Day weekend

We started out Pioneer Day weekend by attending the wedding events of one of Jason's former roommates and good friend Christian. It was so fun seeing all Jason's friends and Jason really enjoyed showing off his beautiful daughter.

The man of the hour with all his male buddies (yes, I know, horrible picture)

Then we headed down to Fairview for our annual festivities. This is where I decided I'm a pretty horrible mother taking my four week old daughter to such a rowdy event like the Demolition Derby, but she survived the noisy, dirty, smoke-filled environment.

But all the excitement must have wore her out, because she spent the rest of the weekend doing this: